
Honor Guard

To Honor Those Who Have Served


The overall Congressionally-mandated mission of the Columbus AFB HG program is to provide military funeral honors (MFHs) for our nation’s fallen service members. We must ensure that, upon request, a funeral honors detail is provided for all eligible service members. The Columbus AFB HG will support this mission by providing the ceremonial support in our area of responsibility, which includes 74 counties in Mississippi and Tennessee. In addition, the Honor Guard supports a wide variety of base and community functions including, but not limited to, change of commands, retirement ceremonies, community parades, special dinners, and formal retreats.

Requesting Military Funeral Honors

To request Military Funeral Honors, please email the linked Honor Guard request form, along with a copy of the deceased’s DD Form 214 or other documentation of proof of service and honorable discharge, to 14FSS.CAFB.HonorGuard@us.af.mil.  If unable to email, you may fax the request to (662) 434-2118.  The funeral request will NOT be honored without a follow-up phone call, so please call (662) 364-0868 after sending the information.

For any other detail request, please contact (662) 364-0868 for further guidance.


Honor Guard membership is an official additional duty undertaken by exceptional Air Force members desiring to represent the service in a variety of ceremonies. Ceremonial guardsmen are a picture-perfect example of individuals who are highly motivated, maintain exceptionally high standards of conduct, both on and off-duty, and exude enormous amounts of pride in all they do. As ceremonial guardsmen, our actions bring credit to the United States Air Force and the Ceremonial Guardsmen profession. Grieving families are truly comforted by the dedication and professionalism of our honor guard as they pay their final respects to the fallen comrades of today’s armed forces, as well as veterans of past wars.


The “Guard” can provide you with a new realm of life’s experiences and every trip is a memorable one, whether seeing new parts of this glorious country or meeting new people from all walks of life. Honor guard membership is open to both officers and enlisted personnel. Commanders are also encouraged to take a “tour” on the “Guard” and ride along, observe or even participate in a funeral detail. Be a part of something special, cultivate new friendships, forge a new path in your Air Force career and serve your country as a professional member of the Columbus AFB Honor Guard. Call 434.2316 today for more information!

Membership Benefits

Incentive Program

The Honor Guard has an excellent recognition program which consists of quarterly and annual awards. Each member will be considered for an achievement medal after completing one year with the Honor Guard. Personnel must complete a minimum of 30 details, 12 of which must be funerals, complete a minimum of 100 hours detail time and attend at least 40 practices. Additionally, consideration regarding the member’s characterization of service (member’s attitude, appearance, duty performance, extracurricular activities, etc.) will be one of the most heavily-weighted factors. Each Guardsmen will be outfitted, trained, and equipped to meet the standards of the Columbus AFB HG. Free dry cleaning of HG ceremonial uniform for Honor Guard members is provided via Shelton’s dry cleaning. Members will notify HG NCOIC before turning in their dry cleaning. Members residing in the dorms are authorized the big suites while on the HG.

Honor Guard Creed

Handpicked to serve as a member of the Columbus AFB Honor Guard, my standards of conduct and level of professionalism must be above reproach, for I represent all others in my service.

Others earned the right for me to wear the ceremonial uniform, one that is honored in a rich tradition and history. I will honor their memory by wearing it properly and proudly.

Never will I allow my performance to be dictated by the type of ceremony, severity of the temperature, or size of the crowd. I will remain superbly conditioned to perfect all movements throughout every drill and ceremony.

Obligated by my oath I am constantly driven to excel by a deep devotion to duty and a strong sense of dedication.

Representing every member, past and present, of the United States Air Force, I vow to stand sharp, crisp, and motionless, for I am a ceremonial guardsman.